“Infertility, Prenatal Care, and Maternal Health Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications”
Video: Infertility, prenatal health, and maternal health
Watch More Infertility Videos Below
How pregnancy changes the microbiome and what to expect
My health was never the same after childbirth
Prenatal care: More than just multi-vitamins
Infertility: Autoimmunity to the ovaries
The most common cause of infertility: Androgen dominance
Hidden causes of infertility: Subtle metabolic shifts
Learn the complex and little-known underlying causes of infertility, plus:
- How to lower your patients’ risk of giving birth to a child with brain and immune disorders
- How to improve their chances of a healthy recovery from pregnancy
Discover areas of female reproductive health most practitioners don’t even know exist
The incidences of infertility and miscarriages have exploded in the last 30 years and continue to rise, affecting an estimated 10 million couples in the United States by 2025. Scientists are calling declining fertility rates a global crisis. Chances are you have encountered an increasing number of women in your office looking for help with infertility.
At the same time, women who become pregnant are increasingly giving birth to children with chronic immune disorders such as asthma, allergies, autoimmune diseases. Neurological disorders such as ADHD, autism, learning disabilities, and more are also on the rise. Studies link many of these disorders to compromised maternal health.
Add to these alarming statistics the fact that the rate of postpartum depression has increased seven-fold in the last decade. Women also struggle with mood disorders, weight loss resistance, and the development of autoimmune diseases in the postpartum period.
When it comes to fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum health, countless numbers of women are struggling yet have few places to turn for genuine help.
Join the growing number of functional medicine practitioners trained to identify and address underlying reproductive health dysfunctions in women.
Female fertility and pregnancy are about so much more than hormones
Multiple systems in the body work together for healthy female fertility — if you miss one of those systems you can fail your infertility patients
The biggest misconception most people have about infertility is that it is primarily a hormonal disorder.
Female reproductive health also involves a complex integration of multiple pathways that maintain fertility and ensure a healthy pregnancy and childbirth. Critical pathways include:
In the Kharrazian Institute’s Infertility, Prenatal Care, and Maternal Health course, you’ll learn new clinical protocols based on the latest research to address complex underlying mechanisms of infertility.
You’ll also learn strategies that are significantly more in depth than standard health care protocols to support a healthy pregnancy and postpartum period…
… and lower the risk of the childhood immune and neurological disorders, the rates of which are exploding these days.
Do you have patients struggling with stubborn infertility?
Is your intuition telling you there is more to a healthy pregnancy than prenatal vitamins?
Infertility is not just about hormones.
A healthy pregnancy is so much more than taking prenatal vitamins.
When you look at infertility, you need to figure out which systems play a role and the degree of management required:
Restore regularity to abnormal menstrual cycles.
Ensure healthy follicles.
Support the ability to maintain a healthy pregnancy.
Mitigate risk factors for allergies, autism, autoimmunity, or developmental disorders in the offspring.
Enjoy a quick and full recovery from pregnancy and childbirth, free of postpartum depression, weight gain, metabolic dysfunction, mood disorders, autoimmune disease development, and so on.
In my new infertility course, I will connect all the dots and give you a clinical step-by-step approach, so you know exactly what to do and how to evaluate a patient who is struggling with infertility or other reproductive challenges.
Infertility is a red flag for deeper problems
Infertility is not a stand-alone condition. Instead, it’s a red flag for deeper health issues that impact reproduction. Examples include thyroid dysfunction, blood sugar imbalances, environmental toxicity, and poor hormonal feedback loop integration.
These disorders typically go overlooked in the conventional health care model because they are not “diseases,” but rather systemic imbalances with downstream effects that can actually be quite severe…
… and heartbreaking.
Devastating repercussions of female reproductive imbalances include:
The female endocrine system is under assault like never before in human history.
Unprecedented levels of environmental toxicity, exploding rates of autoimmunity, rampant blood sugar imbalances, and other immune challenges are putting women in exceptional circumstances when it comes to reproductive health.
You are someone invested in helping your patients find optimal health. Become a part of the vanguard of practitioners addressing these challenges head-on with evidence-based, effective clinical strategies.
Learn what new studies — and Dr. Kharrazian’s 20+ years of clinical trial and error and his exhaustive review of the research — tell us about managing female reproductive disorders today.
Introducing the most advanced infertility, prenatal care, and maternal health course offered anywhere on the planet
The Kharrazian Institute Infertility, Prenatal Care, and Maternal Health course is the result of Dr. Kharrazian’s ongoing clinical developments, exhaustive literature reviews, and published research during his last 20+ years of practice.
In this sixth course for the Kharrazian Institute, his goal is to help you fully grasp the pathophysiology of female reproductive disorders in ways that go far beyond standard approaches.
He will take you on the same step-by-step journey of managing female endocrine disorders he uses with his own patients. This is a significantly more in-depth approach than measuring hormones or recommending prenatal vitamins.
You will learn how to evaluate the complex interrelationships between the female endocrine system and the brain, liver, adipocytes, immune system, hepatic system, microbiome, blood sugar system, and more.
You will learn the intricate nuances of female fertility and how to couple a deep grasp of female endocrine function with a thorough patient evaluation. This will allow you to personalize treatment for each patient using diet, nutrition, and lifestyle strategies.
The Kharrazian Institute Infertility, Prenatal Care, and Maternal Health course is the first to integrate female reproductive physiology with the latest findings in neurology and immunology
During this weekend course you’ll not only learn the newest research about female reproduction, you’ll also leave with protocols you can implement in your practice right away.
Topics you’ll master include:
How many times have you heard this in your office?
Maybe it was their first pregnancy…
… or a subsequent one…
… yet many women can trace the sudden decline of their health to a particular pregnancy.
It wasn’t the pregnancy itself that triggered their problems, but rather already existing risk factors that pregnancy pushed over the edge — factors that go completely ignored in the standard health care model.
Chronic inflammatory conditions, gallstones, autoimmunity, runaway blood sugar disorders, and undiagnosed hypothyroidism are just a few examples.
Then throw in the multiple metabolic, immune, microbiome, and endocrine changes of pregnancy — for many women, pregnancy simply overwhelms their already beleaguered bodies.
As a result, women can emerge from pregnancy with a chronic health disorder, an autoimmune condition, weight loss resistance, brain fog, memory loss, depression, mood disorders, and chronic fatigue.
This situation can have far reaching — even lifelong — impacts on their overall health and well-being.
They are barely able to keep it together during the early years of child rearing, are unable to get back to “normal,” and may not be able to have more children.
Prenatal care is so much more than good prenatal vitamins
In the standard health care model, prenatal care consists largely of general recommendations such as avoid smoking and alcohol and take a prenatal vitamin.
Yet incidences of childhood brain developmental and immune disorders have been soaring in the past couple of decades.
Is this baseline advice really cutting it?
For instance, what about a mother’s current state of autoimmunity or inflammation, which largely go undiagnosed in the conventional model?
What about her:
Although these vital factors are overlooked in most women’s prenatal care, they can play a role in miscarriages, postpartum health issues, and compromised health of the offspring.
Healthy fetal development requires more than a good prenatal vitamin
Lowering the risk of giving birth to a child with brain- or immune-based disorders requires significantly more than a good prenatal vitamin. It even requires more than a healthy diet.
Optimal fetal development depends on the successful integration of multiple complex endocrine responses, shifts in the gut microbiome, healthy immunological shifts, and the ability for all these changes to occur in synchrony with one another.
Yet many women are already experiencing dysfunction in one or more systems before they even conceive, and the various shifts throughout the body during pregnancy and postpartum cause even greater breakdowns.
Dr. Kharrazian is a leading expert in diagnosing and treating infertility, prenatal health, and maternal health
Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN, is a Harvard Medical School trained researcher, clinical research scientist, academic professor, and a functional medicine health care provider. Dr. Kharrazian earned a Master of Medical Science degree (MMSc) in Clinical Investigation from Harvard Medical School, and is a member of the Harvard Medical Alumni Association and the American Association of Immunologists.
Today, Dr. Kharrazian’s clinical models of functional medicine are used by several academic institutions, and thousands of health care clinics and practices providers throughout the world.
Dr. Kharrazian consults with patients from all over the world who are seeking non-pharmaceutical alternatives. His practice is focused on developing a personalized medical approach using diet, nutrition, and lifestyle approaches.
After decades of analyzing thousands of studies and working with patients in the United States and Europe, Dr. Kharrazian developed never-taught-before clinical strategies to successfully manage infertility, prenatal care, and maternal health.
Is the Kharrazian Institute infertility, prenatal care, and maternal health course right for you?
The Kharrazian Institute infertility, prenatal care, and maternal health course is not for everyone. See if the course features below are right for you:
Are you taking care of the gut microbiome in your infertility and pregnancy patients?
The role of the gut microbiome is one of the more powerful—yet overlooked—aspects of female fertility and pregnancy health. That’s because gut bacteria profoundly impact hormones.
Consider the following ways a healthy gut microbiome affects female reproduction, which are totally overlooked in the standard health care model:
When the gut microbiome and circulatory system are invaded by infectious bacteria, a woman’s chances at healthy fertility, pregnancy, and postpartum recovery decline significantly.
Additionally, research shows an unhealthy gut microbiome:
Pregnancy changes the composition and activity of the gut microbiome by design. However, when a woman enters pregnancy with an unhealthy gut microbiome, this can have far-reaching implications for the health of both the mother and her developing fetus.
And some women never learn how to recover their microbiome health, yet instead succumb to ever declining health.
How common is it for prenatal care providers to address gut microbiome health?
(Hint: Taking a probiotic is not the answer.)
Set yourself apart from run-of-the-mill prenatal care by understanding the diverse and powerful ways the gut microbiome impacts female reproductive health and how to support a healthy gut microbiome.
The most common cause of infertility
Health care appears to be in the dark when it comes to the underlying factors that promote the most common cause of infertility: An increase in androgens, or male hormones such as testosterone.
Why are male hormones high in so many women, sabotaging their reproductive health?
The standard American diet, particularly in the US, and the lack of physical activity has created severe hormonal imbalances in many women, making it difficult for them to conceive when they’re ready to start a family.
It has also led to PCOS being the most common hormonal disorder in women today.
Excess carbohydrates, processed foods, industrialized oils, toxic food additives, inflammatory foods, high sugar contents, and a relentless and ubiquitous onslaught of advertising geared to keep Americans eating 24/7 has decimated the female endocrine system.
These factors trigger ongoing insulin surges that elevate androgens and disrupt the multiple delicately balanced systems that support healthy hormones.
Not only does this cause infertility, it also leads to other symptoms of elevated androgens:
Unwinding the vicious cycle of insulin resistance and androgen dominance requires drastic changes in diet and lifestyle habits.
However, many practitioners make the mistake of expecting their patients to make these changes in overly dramatic leaps, which can backfire…
… managing insulin resistance and androgen dominance is not as simple as it sounds.
Conventional medicine overlooks the underlying causes of androgen dominance, putting many patients on a path of stubborn infertility, hormonal difficulties, and dependence on medications.
Set yourself apart by learning how to evaluate and manage this mechanism using diet, nutrition and lifestyle approaches.
Autoimmunity: The under-investigated cause of infertility
Despite skyrocketing rates of autoimmunity, it is an under-investigated cause of infertility by most health care practitioners in both conventional and alternative medicine.
In fact, I automatically screen all my infertility patients for ovarian autoimmunity. If the test comes back positive, I then work with the patient to determine the prognosis—if the condition is too advanced, they may have missed their window for conception.
Many women trying to get pregnant already have at least one autoimmune disorder that is not yet diagnosed. This means they are at increased risk of ovarian autoimmunity.
Clues to possible ovarian autoimmunity include another autoimmune disease, elevated follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and loss of the menstrual cycle prior to the age of 40.
Identifying ovarian autoimmunity is important not only to address infertility, but also to prevent the worsening of her autoimmunity or development of new autoimmune diseases.
Managing autoimmunity will also lower the risk of brain and immune disorders in her offspring. Children born to women with unmanaged autoimmunity are more at risk for autism, allergies, asthma, and more.
The immune and hormonal shifts of pregnancy may also worsen the autoimmunity.
Lesser known and hidden causes of infertility
One of the worst things an infertility patient can experience is being told the cause of her infertility is unknown. In these patients, there may not be an obvious pattern of symptoms.
While not all patient cases are resolvable, many patients go undiagnosed and untreated simply because current research findings haven’t made their way into doctor’s offices.
For instance, the average practitioner was never taught that fertility relies on the interrelationships between multiple systems in the body, and that a breakdown in any one of those systems can cascade into system-wide dysfunction.
While you must always rule out disease and pathology, at the same time you must search for physiological imbalances that are not diseases but that nevertheless impact the female endocrine system.
Structural abnormalities such as pelvic adhesions and tubular blockages can also cause infertility, however, also consider factors such as:
In the Kharrazian Institute infertility, prenatal care, and maternal health course, I will discuss this subset of patients who often respond favorably to a personalized lifestyle model to address subtle metabolic dysfunctions.
Here is why you need to sign up for the Kharrazian Institute infertility, prenatal care, and maternal health course
Infertility and female hormonal imbalances are among the most common health disorders in both conventional and alternative medicine today. Practitioners in both models are failing countless numbers of patients who do not fit the basic treatment plans. Yet the demand for effective infertility and prenatal care is huge and continues to grow.
Tragically, many patients suffer for years with unresolved infertility, which is heartbreaking for them. Many could have lowered their risk of giving birth to a child with brain and immune disorders if only they had had appropriate prenatal care.
Most infertility patients visit multiple doctors before finding the care they need. Dr. Kharrazian will teach you how to be the practitioner they stick with.
Be the change the world of medicine so desperately needs, and a much-needed alternative to the disregard many infertility patients endure.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do any materials come with this course?
You receive 1-year access to all the recorded live videos, presentation slides, published papers, Q&A’s, assessment forms, supplement information, protocols, and all other supporting material.
Do I receive continuing education credits for this class?
12 hours of CEs are available for licensed health care practitioners. Please see the bottom of this page for more particulars.
What if I can’t digest all the information at once?
First, you are given pre-class reading material to begin familiarizing yourself with the material. Then, you have access to the recorded lectures and supporting materials. This means you can rewatch lectures as many times as you need.
What if I have questions after the class?
When you register you are invited to join a Members Only Kharrazian Institute Facebook group where you can ask questions and discuss cases with other practitioners.
How can patients in my area learn about me and the fact that I have taken this class?
We have created an online practitioner referral page. Licensed practitioners who have completed all of the Kharrazian Institute courses will be added to the list. Patients can search the list to look for practitioners in their area.
What if parts of the class are unfamiliar to me?
All of the Kharrazian Institute classes are designed to complement one another. As you take all the courses over time you will receive an extraordinarily comprehensive functional medicine education. Different pieces of human physiology, neurology, immunology, and endocrinology all fit together like pieces of a puzzle for one comprehensive understanding of patient evaluation and care.
Dr. Kharrazian has been a prominent educator and highly-respected clinician in the functional medicine community since the inception of functional medicine. He is an expert clinician and an innovator in this field.
I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Kharrazian for more than a decade and observing his professional growth and impact as a key opinion leader in the field of Functional Neurology. He is voracious in his pursuit of learning and skill development. His pursuit of post-graduate studies at Harvard in research methods has embellished his already significant expertise in systems medicine and its application to Functional Medicine. He has a unique skill in making complex information accessible to his students and patients alike, which is a measure of an individual who is a master of his field. Dr. Kharrazian is a humble, quietly competent leader who leads by example and his presence. The Functional Medicine field is rapidly evolving, and it is through the work and leadership of a select group of professionals, of which Dr. Kharrazian is a recognized leader, that it is growing in both its adoption and successful application to the treatment of complex chronic diseases. It is truly a pleasure to call Dr. Kharrazian both a colleague and friend in our mutual advocacy in the development and application of Functional Medicine.
Why is Dr. Kharrazian’s infertility course different?
Dr. Kharrazian is an actual clinician who has been successfully treating infertility disorders in the United States and Europe for more than 20 years.
Dr. Kharrazian has witnessed countless real-life patient scenarios and developed proven strategies to address commonly overlooked issues.
Dr. Kharrazian is both a scientist and an educator.
Dr. Kharrazian has been an innovator in the field of functional medicine since its inception.
Dr. Kharrazian stays continually up-to-date with the latest scientific and medical research.
Dr. Kharrazian was trained as a clinical investigator (Master of Medical Science in Clinical Investigation) at Harvard Medical School and can effectively share with you the most relevant research.
Dr. Kharrazian has published a number of immunology studies in the most respected medical journals in the world.
Dr. Kharrazian’s work represents the vanguard in our understanding of the role of lifestyle choices in charting the brain’s destiny. His highly effective educational outreach has opened the door for countless healthcare providers, allowing them to dramatically increase their effectiveness in treating and indeed preventing so many of the pernicious conditions that plague our modern society.
Dr. Datis Kharrazian is one of the most powerful clinicians of our time. From the lab to the clinic, he has studied, vetted, and applied his cutting-edge science to heal patients all over the world. I consider him to be a foremost authority in a systems approach to recovery and wellness.
Dr. Kharrazian is a brilliant clinician educator who has inspired many, myself included. He is superb at teaching clinicians the power of using functional medicine-oriented history and physical examination to understand and address the root causes of disease and health. Integrating the latest research and years of clinical experience, Dr. Kharrazian, is an international leader in Functional Medicine.
On Demand Registration
Infertility, Prenatal Care, and Maternal Health Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications
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Infertility, Prenatal Care, and Maternal Health Course
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