The Kharrazian Institute Is Proud to Present Dr. Datis Kharrazian’s Exciting New Course…

“Hashimoto’s Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications”

Video: Introducing my Hashimoto’s course

Watch More Hashimoto’s Videos Below

Why many Hashimoto’s patients don’t feel better on the AIP diet

Why many Hashimoto’s patients don’t feel better on the AIP diet

The 3 Most Common Non-Thyroid Symptoms That Are Actually Hashimoto's

The 3 most common non-thyroid symptoms that are actually Hashimoto’s

Other Autoimmune Conditions Associated with Hashimoto's

Other autoimmune conditions associated with Hashimoto’s

Why some Hashimoto’s patients feel worse on thyroid meds

Why some Hashimoto’s patients feel worse on thyroid meds

Why Patient's with Hypothyroidism May Not Feel Better with Thyroid Hormone Replacement

Why patient’s with hypothyroidism may not feel better with thyroid hormone replacement

Why a Gluten-Free Diet is not Enough with Hashimoto's

Why a gluten-free diet is not enough with Hashimoto’s

Hashimoto’s Can Devastate Brain Health

Hashimoto’s can devastate brain health

How Iodine Flares Up Hashimoto's

How iodine flares up Hashimoto’s

The Gut-Thyroid Axis in Hashimoto's

The gut-thyroid axis in Hashimoto’s

The Blood Sugar Axis in Hashimoto's

The blood sugar axis in Hashimoto’s

Learn the skills, strategies, and tools to deliver the most up-to-date Hashimoto’s care

An estimated 20 million people have hypothyroidism, and more than 90 percent of those cases are caused by autoimmune Hashimoto’s.

Despite an explosion of research over the last decade, most of these patients continue to be let down or failed by the insurance-based medical model.

They go years and visit multiple doctors before receiving a diagnosis. Even then, most are told nothing can be done for Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism outside of thyroid medication.

As a result, their thyroid health continues to decline without appropriate management.

In Dr. Kharrazian’s completely new Hashimoto’s weekend course, you’ll learn the absolute newest research and innovations in Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism care.

Are you hitting dead ends with clinically complex Hashimoto’s patients?

If you read my 2010 book, Why Do I Still Have Thyroid Symptoms When My Lab Tests Are Normal?, you are already light years ahead of most health care practitioners.

However, the highly individualized nature of autoimmunity means the go-to protocols of the last 10 years — such as the AIP diet and a leaky gut protocol — haven’t worked for every patient.

Also, if you’re like me, the better you became at treating Hashimoto’s, the more you attracted clinically complex patients… and the more frequently you are stumped by new situations.

  • Why do some patients do everything right yet still don’t get better?
  • Why do gut, brain, or other mystery symptoms persist or even get worse the longer patients follow a protocol?
  • Why do some patients react to their thyroid hormone medication, or to “legal” foods on their autoimmune diet?

Although my thyroid book changed the paradigm of thyroid care, research has continued to evolve, discoveries have continued to be made, and patients continue to show up at our offices sicker than ever before.

Hashimoto’s care has evolved significantly during the last 10 years.

Imagine being able to treat Hashimoto’s using the most cutting-edge clinical strategies available anywhere

The biggest autoimmune frustration both patients and practitioners experience is the mystery. You follow all the protocols, you’ve gone to the seminars, read the articles and books, and yet some patients still don’t improve as much as they should.

The blessing and the curse with science is it is ever evolving as researchers make new discoveries.

When you have learned the latest research — and how to implement those findings clinically — former mysteries turn into Aha! moments of revelation.

Your patients are happier, they refer their friends and acquaintances to you, and your job satisfaction goes up.

That’s because you are armed with the knowledge and insight to tackle more complex cases.

Introducing the most advanced Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism course offered anywhere on the planet

The Kharrazian Institute Hashimoto’s course is the result of my ongoing clinical developments, exhaustive literature reviews, and published research over the last 10 years since publishing my thyroid book.

My goal is for you to completely grasp the pathophysiology of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism and autoimmune mechanisms.

I will take you on the same step-by-step journey of managing Hashimoto’s I take my own patients on. This includes far more than running a TSH and antibody test and prescribing a leaky gut diet and protocol.

You will learn how to couple a deep grasp of thyroid autoimmunity with a thorough patient evaluation to customize a treatment application unique to each patient using diet, nutrition, and lifestyle strategies.

The Kharrazian Institute’s Hashimoto’s course is the first one to integrate thyroid physiology education with the most current knowledge of autoimmune mechanisms

Much has changed since I published my Hashimoto’s book in 2010. I’ll bring you up to speed on the last 10 years of new research and clinical innovations.

During this weekend course you’ll not only learn the newest thyroid and Hashimoto’s research, you’ll also leave with protocols you can implement in your practice right away.

Topics you’ll master include:

  • Targets of autoimmunity within the thyroid and their triggers

  • Epitope spreading
  • How autoimmunity impacts thyroid receptor sites, conversion of T4 to T3, and feedback loops
  • How AIP “legal” foods can trigger thyroid autoimmune attacks
  • The newest research on links between pathogens and environmental compounds and Hashimoto’s
  • When leaky gut protocols don’t work
  • When the AIP diet makes your patient worse
  • New research on iodine and Hashimoto’s
  • The most common autoimmune reactions secondary to Hashimoto’s
  • Why every thyroid patient needs a brain health evaluation
  • Much, much more

For the best success with your patients…

The clinical strategy that’s most effective with Hashimoto’s disease management is to figure out which auto-antibodies are involved, where the target proteins are, and what part of the immune system is dysfunctional.

Since it’s a non-curable disease, your goal is to help your patients stay in a remission for as long as possible, and then assist them in quickly recovering when they experience a flare-up.

This course will teach you the most complete Hashimoto’s protocols and how to implement them right away

Dr. Kharrazian will teach you the same step-by-step clinical strategies to manage Hashimoto’s and its related disorders that he uses with his own patients.

The comprehensive Hashimoto’s Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications course is based on more than 20 years of experience working with patients throughout the U.S. and Europe, breakthrough scientific research, and the innovation of his own clinical strategies.

You’ll learn Hashimoto’s immune mechanisms, thyroid physiology, and diagnostic strategies to identify and diagnose autoimmune thyroid disorders.

He will present evidence-based models incorporating diet, nutrition, and lifestyle protocols. Clinical applications of cross-reactivity, oral tolerance, microbiome diversity, neuroinflammation, and immune modulation will also be highlighted.

Dr. Kharrazian will share with you the same clinical strategies and treatment applications he personally uses for successful evaluation and management of Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism.

By the end of course, you’ll have an effective clinical model from the minute a patient walks into your office with chronic “mystery” symptoms. You’ll learn correct diagnosis, assessment, treatment plans, and follow-up to manage the many Hashimoto’s patients out there today.

Some of the topics you’ll learn in the Kharrazian Institute Hashimoto’s course

As research of autoimmunity and hypothyroidism advances, so does our collective knowledge of the disease.

However, integrating this new information into a clinical practice can be challenging.

This is where the Kharrazian Institute is different.

Not only does Dr. Kharrazian broaden your understanding of Hashimoto’s mechanisms, but also he gives you clear clinical protocols you can implement right away.

  • For instance, to really evaluate a Hashimoto’s patient, you must study their initial survey, how they present in person, and their handwriting, speech, medical history, potential dietary and lifestyle triggers, physical examination, lab tests, and more.
  • You’ll learn new research showing some AIP-approved foods that people eat regularly — thinking they are on the safest possible diet for Hashimoto’s — actually trigger autoimmune destruction of the thyroid in individuals sensitive to those foods.
  • Every Hashimoto’s patient should have their brain health evaluated — Hashimoto’s can devastate brain health and raises the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Not every symptom you think is due to Hashimoto’s is thyroid-related. Unless you are also screening for other autoimmune conditions, you may not be able to optimize your patient care.
  • And yet, you’ll learn the three most common non-thyroid symptoms that are actually Hashimoto’s …
    and why some Hashimoto’s patients feel worse on thyroid meds.
  • Have you noticed some hypothyroid patients have a honeymoon period on their thyroid meds that soon wears off? You’ll learn why.
  • Dr. Kharrazian will bring you up to date on the explosion of research on iodine and Hashimoto’s.
  • And, among other topics, you’ll learn the complex relationship between the gut and the thyroid and why gluten intolerance is more complicated than most people realize in Hashimoto’s patients.

Dr. Kharrazian is the Worldwide Leader in Diagnosing and Treating Hashimoto’s

Datis Kharrazian, PhD, DHSc, DC, MS, MMSc, FACN, is a Harvard Medical School trained researcher, clinical research scientist, academic professor, and a functional medicine health care provider. Dr. Kharrazian earned a Master of Medical Science degree (MMSc) in Clinical Investigation from Harvard Medical School, and is a member of the Harvard Medical Alumni Association and the American Association of Immunologists.

Today, Dr. Kharrazian’s clinical models of functional medicine are used by several academic institutions, and thousands of health care clinics and practices providers throughout the world.

Dr. Kharrazian consults with patients from all over the world who are seeking non-pharmaceutical alternatives. His practice is focused on developing a personalized medical approach using diet, nutrition, and lifestyle approaches.

After decades of analyzing thousands of studies and working with patients in the United States and Europe, Dr. Kharrazian developed never-taught-before clinical strategies to successfully treat Hashimoto’s.

Dr. Datis Kharrazian Will Personally Teach You…

  • A comprehensive and engaging review of thyroid physiology and Hashimoto’s mechanisms.
  • The fundamental concepts of Hashimoto’s.
  • The various factors that contribute to Hashimoto’s, and the different types of immune responses that take place.
  • The scientific literature for nutrients, dietary approaches, and lifestyle factors that impact Hashimoto’s.
  • How to utilize advanced autoimmune-related laboratory testing.
  • The clinical history and physical examination findings found with Hashimoto’s.
  • A proven approach to managing Hashimoto’s with a functional medicine model.
  • Lifestyle and social variables that improve hypothyroid symptoms.
  • How to correctly use nutraceuticals and dietary interventions for Hashimoto’s.
  • Clinical applications of cross-reactivity, oral tolerance, microbiome diversity, and immune modulation.
  • The exact protocols he uses while working with his own Hashimoto’s patients.
  • And much more!

Is the Kharrazian Institute Hashimoto’s course right for you?

The Kharrazian Institute Hashimoto’s course is not for everyone. See if the course features below are right for you:

  • Practitioners who want to perform in-depth evaluations to understand the underlying mechanisms of their patients’ Hashimoto’s
  • Health care providers looking to evolve their Hashimoto’s treatment plans to better help more clinically complex patients
  • Providers willing to expand Hashimoto’s care to include brain health, secondary autoimmunities, complex gut issues, loss of oral tolerance, and other related issues
  • Practitioners looking for a plug-and-play diet and supplement package
  • Providers who don’t have the time or energy to master thyroid physiology and autoimmune mechanisms
  • Practitioners who prefer not to work with patients who have chronic and complex thyroid symptoms and related disorders

Here is why you need to sign up for the Kharrazian Institute Hashimoto’s course

Since publishing his ground-breaking thyroid book in 2010, Dr. Kharrazian has received thousands of emails over the years from people describing how their Hashimoto’s is overlooked in the insurance-based medical model.

Millions of people have Hashimoto’s yet most are either undiagnosed or inappropriately managed as their autoimmune mechanisms continue uncontrolled.

The demand for effective Hashimoto’s care is huge due to both growing awareness and the ever increasing rates of autoimmunity.

Yet the numbers of practitioners who can genuinely help patients effectively manage their Hashimoto’s hypothyroidism is shockingly small.

Tragically, many patients suffer for years with Hashimoto’s symptoms and without a correct medical diagnosis or treatment.

You can be the change the world of medicine desperately needs, and a much-needed alternative to the dismissal, gaslighting, and disregard so many Hashimoto’s patients repeatedly endure.

Most Hashimoto’s patients visit multiple doctors before finding the care they need. Dr. Kharrazian will teach you how to be the practitioner they stick with.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do any materials come with this course?

You receive 1-year access to all the recorded live videos, presentation slides, published papers, Q&A’s, assessment forms, supplement information, protocols, and all other supporting material.

Do I receive continuing education credits for this class?

12 hours of CEs are available for licensed health care practitioners. Please see the bottom of this page for more particulars.

What if I can’t digest all the information at once?

First, you are given pre-class reading material to begin familiarizing yourself with the material. Then, you have access to the recorded lectures and supporting materials. This means you can rewatch lectures as many times as you need.

What if I have questions after the class?

When you register you are invited to join a Members Only Kharrazian Institute Facebook group where you can ask questions and discuss cases with other practitioners.

How can patients in my area learn about me and the fact that I have taken this class?

We have created an online practitioner referral page. Licensed practitioners who have completed all of the Kharrazian Institute courses will be added to the list. Patients can search the list to look for practitioners in their area.

What if parts of the class are unfamiliar to me?

All of the Kharrazian Institute classes are designed to complement one another. As you take all the courses over time you will receive an extraordinarily comprehensive functional medicine education. Different pieces of human physiology, neurology, immunology, and endocrinology all fit together like pieces of a puzzle for one comprehensive understanding of patient evaluation and care.


Dr. Kharrazian has been a prominent educator and highly-respected clinician in the functional medicine community since the inception of functional medicine. He is an expert clinician and an innovator in this field.



I have had the pleasure of knowing Dr. Kharrazian for more than a decade and observing his professional growth and impact as a key opinion leader in the field of Functional Neurology. He is voracious in his pursuit of learning and skill development. His pursuit of post-graduate studies at Harvard in research methods has embellished his already significant expertise in systems medicine and its application to Functional Medicine. He has a unique skill in making complex information accessible to his students and patients alike, which is a measure of an individual who is a master of his field. Dr. Kharrazian is a humble, quietly competent leader who leads by example and his presence. The Functional Medicine field is rapidly evolving, and it is through the work and leadership of a select group of professionals, of which Dr. Kharrazian is a recognized leader, that it is growing in both its adoption and successful application to the treatment of complex chronic diseases. It is truly a pleasure to call Dr. Kharrazian both a colleague and friend in our mutual advocacy in the development and application of Functional Medicine.


Why is Dr. Kharrazian’s Hashimoto’s Course Different?

Dr. Kharrazian is an actual clinician who has been successfully treating Hashimoto’s symptoms in the United States and Europe for more than 20 years.

Dr. Kharrazian has witnessed countless real-life patient scenarios and developed proven strategies to address commonly overlooked issues.

Dr. Kharrazian is both a scientist and an educator.

Dr. Kharrazian has been an innovator in the field of functional medicine since its inception.

Dr. Kharrazian stays continually up-to-date with the latest scientific and medical research.

Dr. Kharrazian was trained as a clinical investigator (Master of Medical Science in Clinical Investigation) at Harvard Medical School and can effectively share with you the most relevant research.

Dr. Kharrazian has published a number of immunology studies in the most respected medical journals in the world.


Dr. Kharrazian’s work represents the vanguard in our understanding of the role of lifestyle choices in charting the brain’s destiny. His highly effective educational outreach has opened the door for countless healthcare providers, allowing them to dramatically increase their effectiveness in treating and indeed preventing so many of the pernicious conditions that plague our modern society.



Dr. Datis Kharrazian is one of the most powerful clinicians of our time. From the lab to the clinic, he has studied, vetted, and applied his cutting-edge science to heal patients all over the world. I consider him to be a foremost authority in a systems approach to recovery and wellness.



Dr. Kharrazian is a brilliant clinician educator who has inspired many, myself included. He is superb at teaching clinicians the power of using functional medicine-oriented history and physical examination to understand and address the root causes of disease and health. Integrating the latest research and years of clinical experience, Dr. Kharrazian, is an international leader in Functional Medicine.


On Demand Registration

Hashimoto’s Clinical Strategies and Treatment Applications

Welcome to ON DEMAND registration for KI Course Four. After registration, you will have one-year access to all videos and course materials from the date of your registration. IMPORTANT: You should take all exams in a timely manner in order to get the appropriate credit (if available) from NUHS, or to receive the KI Certificate of Completion. Completing the exams within 30 days of your registration for each course is recommended. Waiting too long may delay credit.

Current status for CE credits via ON Demand video replays for state licenses is located HERE.

Pricing Information for Registrants (Click to Open)

Kharrazian Institute Course Standard Registration Fees

$795 ON DEMAND: 1 year access to all materials

Any registrant can renew access to any course for an additional year for a $100.00 fee instead of the original registration fee.

Student discounts are no longer available. 

General Attendance Information (Click to Open)

Browser update: Recommended browsers for these courses and exams are Safari, Firefox, Edge, and Chrome. Internet Explorer is not recommended. Please update to the newest version of your preferred web browser. If you experience unsatisfactory playback during the On Demand presentation, you may need to restart your computer. Best practice is to restart your computer before viewing the videos and avoid unnecessary open applications.

Please note: Your registration email becomes your username for all KI courses and your password will remain the same for all courses. Please prevent auto-fill mistakes during registration. Your should use the same registration email for all courses and all required exams. Please do not modify your browser preferences to block cookies or tracking as it may delay credit. Default browser settings are best for all online courses.

Important Notice: Each registration email (username) is intended for an individual user. If multiple users access your KI account from various locations (as tracked by the website), your account will be suspended and all course credits will be voided without refund. Sharing or selling content will void all course credits with no refund.

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ON DEMAND Registration
Hashimoto’s Course

This checkout button reserves ON DEMAND access to Course FOUR on the KI Learning website for all course materials, videos, testing, and transcripts. After registration, you will have a one-year access to all materials from the date of your registration. If you have questions, email us HERE.

After registration, you will receive an email titled Important Login Info: Kharrazian Institute… which contains your login credentials for immediate access to all course materials and videos. After watching all videos and successfully completing the online examinations for each course, you will receive a “KI Certificate of Completion”. Otherwise, you are incomplete for the course.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have an active KI SUBSCRIPTION, you do not need to register for this course as you will have access as long as your subscription is active.

CE Credits and KI Certificate of Completion

Please complete the KI course before you order the CE Credits from National University. You are NOT complete for the course unless you pass both primary exams AND watch the livestream or all videos for both days AND after you have received the KI Certificate of Completion. Attendance via onsite live (when available) does not require exams.

When requesting an attendance verification from NUHS, registrants will need to list the title of the course(s) for which they’d like an attendance verification and through whom they took the course(s): Kharrazian Institute.

Testimonials about the Kharrazian Institute Courses

– Carri

The very first course I attended with Dr. Kharrazian was his Functional Endocrinology course back in 2003 and boy did that ever rock my world. His Kharrazian Institute Neuroinflammation course just did the same thing… but on a MUCH larger scale. It’s a total game changer. Paradigm shifting. I’m 20+ years in practice and I’ve noticed patients are getting so much harder to treat, with much more complex and chronic issues, and now I have a much better understanding why and what to do about it! Dr. K — thank you for putting this revolutionary information together!

– Christopher

I’ve practiced 23 years and one of my biggest pet peeves was “shooting blind.” By this I mean, “It’s been determined by years of clinical use that such and such a remedy is good for the treatment of X.” I always felt inadequate, exposed, and unsure of the variables. I can’t express in words the degree of appreciation I have for your dedication to determining mechanisms, researching studies, and most importantly breaking down this disparate information into readily accessible and mostly easy to understand, maps of malfunctioning physiology. I have found it invaluable. As you repeatedly stressed at your Functional Neurology Seminars program in the past, it’s sloppy clinical work to proceed with treatment until a clear picture of where the dominos fell first is figured out, so the appropriate treatment is arrived at. A million thanks to a fabulous contributor.

– Steven

This seminar was more eye opening about why some of these chronic failures we’ve all had as practitioners need more of a neuro-metabolic approach and to give yourself and the patient time and give realistic expectations so we both don’t get burned out or disappointed. That was huge for me. Thanks Dr. Kharrazian.

– Diego

This has been a freaking gorgeous course. Looking forward to the digestive health course in September.

– Xavier

What a blessing to have been able to follow that neuroinflammation course. Full of scientific data but lots of clinical applications that are very helpful for practitioners. I’m very happy to be able to follow that course since nothing is available like this in France. This should be taught in med school. Thank you Dr. Datis Kharrazian!

– Judy

What a brilliant lecture and very clinical. Hammering home the points and reviewing while we went along really prepared me for the exam. So practical and I will be attending the next two in the series. Very well done. Really can’t say enough good things today. Thanks to everyone involved to pull it off and make livestream possible for me here in Canada.

– Greg

Dr. Kharrazian has literally given me hope and if I could use one word to describe my weekend it would be “PROFOUND”. I am truly grateful for you!!!

– Lapis

Thanks for the excellent, clinically translatable course; with much appreciation for the lucid organization and abundant supportive documents.

More Testimonials


Dr. Kharrazian is one of the greatest minds in the functional medicine space. He’s a trailblazer and an innovator. His courses are gold and his direction is wise. If you’re in healthcare and are ready to be on the right side of history, study with this man.


Dr. Kharrazian is one of the most skilled Functional medicine practitioners in the country. His understanding of interrelationships in physiology puts him in the top tier of Functional Medicine writers and educators in this country.


Datis Kharrazian is truly among the great medical geniuses of our time. His capacity to think outside the box is second to none. He brings cutting-edge insights to the table that others have missed along the way and for this we should be eternally grateful.


Dr. Kharrazian is a leader in functional medicine, always looking to discover the root cause of illness or dysfunction in the body and, most importantly, uncovering novel therapies to improve optimal function.


Dr. Kharrazian’s education gave me the knowledge and confidence to take on complicated chronic cases. I would not have the patient success I have without the information I gained from Dr. Kharrazian. I have taken many seminars by many different doctors but I could not do what I do without the knowledge I gained from Dr. Kharrazian.


Dr. Kharrazian’s education has been pivotal in every aspect of my practice. His curriculum has been my foundation for building seven thriving functional medicine clinics. I couldn’t ask for a more rewarding career path.


In the last decade, I have seen Dr. Kharrazian change the landscape of healthcare. His ability to integrate functional medicine, immunology, and neurology is second to none. Individuals like Dr. Kharrazian come around once in a lifetime. I could not be more honored to learn from him and consider him to be a wonderful mentor. I sincerely believe the Kharrazian Institute will continue to evolve health care.


Dr. Kharrazian’s teachings have made more of a difference than anything else I’ve studied. His way of explaining things has been the most clear and relevant and his treatment recommendations the most efficient and effective. I’m thankful beyond words for all he’s contributed to both my personal health and my professional growth.