Effective case management requires the ability to apply multiple layers of clinical concepts to individual clinical scenarios Clinical grand rounds are a necessary part of learning how to implement clinical skills. 

The Kharrazian Institute Clinical Mastership Training Program allows you to observe real-life clinical evaluation and treatment strategies of complex patient cases. 

This teaches you how to integrate multiple layers of clinical concepts into your practice and personalize treatment strategies for your own patients. 

You will be guided through interviews with expert clinicians and researchers and given detailed lectures on physical examination and lab interpretation to dramatically impact your functional medicine practice.

The Kharrazian Institute Clinical Mastership Training Program consists of independent monthly modules to build the clinical skills of:

  • Medical history taking
  • Review of laboratory tests
  • Physical examination
  • Development of treatment protocols
  • Case management
  • How to modify and tailor personalized treatment programs


What each monthly module looks like

Each monthly module will include:

  1. Detailed and comprehensive real-life case study
  2. Clinical expert interview series 
  3. Balancing your practice with a healthy lifestyle 
  4. Physical Examination Mastery 
  5. Laboratory interpretation clinical pearl series
  6. Clinical management clinical pearl series

1. Detailed and comprehensive real-life case studies

Dr. Kharrazian is a world-renowned functional medicine practitioner who receives referrals of patients with complex conditions from all over the world. In this program he will invite you into his own clinical practice to take you through the clinical work-up and thought process of managing these patients.  

He will walk you through:

  • The evaluation process step-by-step 
  • Key points of the medical history
  • The physical examination through videos
  • Review and evaluation of the patient’s past laboratory test and diagnoses
  • How he develops a clinical strategy involving multiple variables
  • Personalizing a treatment protocol

You will be able to observe the patient during follow-up appointments that include modifications to the treatment plan and real-life clinical outcomes — both clinical successes and failures.  

There is no better way to learn clinical skills than having the opportunity to observe case study grand rounds.

2. Clinical expert interview series 

In each monthly module, Dr. Kharrazian will interview a leading researcher or clinician on a specific clinical topic.  Dr. Kharrazian has an extensive list of highly respected clinicians and researchers that he has worked with over the years.  

He will bring you into his personal network of experts and let them share with you their expertise, giving you the opportunity to learn directly from some of the most distinguished and experienced clinicians in functional medicine.


3. Balancing your practice with a healthy lifestyle 

Burn out is a serious consideration in running a functional medicine practice. 

Dr. Kharrazian has trained thousands of healthcare practitioners, many of whom have developed highly successful functional medicine clinics and are willing to share their lessons on avoiding burnout while staying successful.

In each monthly module, Dr. Kharrazian will interview a successful clinician about how they run their clinical practice, important lessons they have learned in practice management, and how they have learned to balance their life with the demands of a busy practice.  

You will learn about the struggles they have gone through, the lessons they have learned, and important advice they share with the Clinical Mastership Training community to improve their practice while maintaining balance in the rest of their life.


4. Physical Examination Mastery 

In each monthly module, Dr. Kharrazian will teach you how to examine and differentially diagnose specialized physical examination findings. 

The physical examination can provide key clinical information that can help you develop treatment plans and organize specific laboratory tests.


5. Laboratory interpretation clinical pearl series

In each monthly module, Dr. Kharrazian will share key topics in laboratory analysis to help you build your diagnostic and interpretative skills in evaluation and in ordering proper profiles. 


6. Clinical management clinical pearl series

In each monthly module, Dr. Kharrazian will share an important clinical management clinical portal to help clinicians improve how they manage their patients.

Program Availability

Due to the specific nature of this program the Clinical mastership program is limited to only 350 practitioners at any given time. Once registration for 350 clinicians has been completed, the program will be closed and only available as a clinician drops out of the program. Those first on the waiting list will be given priority. 

Program cost

Clinical Mastership Subscription: Currently, the subscription is $199 per month. The regular pricing is a one-time $499 start-up payment and $299 per month. 

With the Clinical Mastership subscription, a new module is released each month. When you subscribe, you will begin with Module 1 and every 30 days, you will gain access to a new module as long as your subscription is active. You will have access to the past and future modules, as long as your subscription is active.

You can cancel your subscription with 30-days notice if the program is not right for you. When you cancel your subscription, access to all modules is cancelled. If you re-subscribe or reactivate your subscription, access to your previous modules is restored and every 30 days, you will gain access to a new module as long as your subscription is active. Refunds are not available.


The Kharrazian Institute Clinical Mastership Training Program is designed to provide 100 hours of education towards the Advanced Functional Medicine Practitioner™ or the Advanced Functional Medicine Practitioner Health Coach™ certification.  Each monthly module provides 5 credit hours.

The AFMP/AFMHC certification requires completion of all 19 KI courses (200 hours) and 20 modules (100 hours) in the Clinical Mastership Training Program. Members may be simultaneously enrolled in both the Kharrazian Institute courses and the Clinical Mastership Training Program. The KI Courses and Clinical Mastership Program are separate programs and require separate signups. Please note: Hours from the Clinical Master Class courses are not included in the certifications.

Frequently asked questions

How is The Kharrazian Institute Clinical Mastership Training Program different from the Kharrazian Institute seminars?

The Kharrazian Institute courses are designed to provide a comprehensive review of the literature and clinical models for specific topics. The KI courses provide 200 hours towards the certification as an Advanced Functional Medicine Clinician™ or the Advanced Functional Medicine Health Consultant™.

The Clinical Mastership Training Program is designed to provide grand rounds and expert topic interviews to help clinicians to learn how to incorporate real-life clinical skills into their practices.  It provides 100 hours of education towards the certification of the Advanced Functional Medicine Clinician™ or the Advanced Functional Medicine Health Consultant™.

The KI Courses and the Clinical Mastership Program are separate programs and require separate signups.


What if I want to complete The Kharrazian Institute Clinical Mastership Training Program but there are already 350 people in the program (350 max capacity)?

Your name will be placed on a waiting list in the order that you have registered. Once one person drops out of the program, the next person on the waiting list can enter.  


Can I obtain certification for the Advanced Functional Medicine Practitioner™ or Health Consultant™ without the Clinical Mastership Training Program?

No. The AFMP/AFMHC certification requires completion of all 19 KI courses (200 hours) and 20 modules (100 hours) in the Clinical Mastership Training Program. Both forms of education are necessary to become a well-rounded and advanced functional medicine practitioner. The KI Courses and the Clinical Mastership Program are separate programs and require separate signups.

Please note: Hours from the Clinical Master Class guest speaker courses are not included in the certifications.